graceland's Diaryland Diary


Just happy to be here

I completed my annual physical today. I have a small potentional skin cancer spot on my face that may need to be removed; seeing a derm for that. Beyond that, things appear to be ok. I have to go to the OB/GYN next. "You haven't been in a while," my doctor accused me. "Because you don't like to go? Get over it." Love her. She reminds me of my Mom, in all of the best ways. Very pragmatic. And authoritative.

She asked me if the dental surgeon put my neck in a vice after looking at my sallow bruised neck.

We talked about anxiety. We are trying some different approaches.

And I'm meeting with a new therapist tomorrow.

Things are moving along. Went to the eye doctor, had dental surgery, thorough check up on my heart with a cardiologist, thyroid tests and full bloodwork. And I started working out again. I bought my mother her Mother's Day gift. She's going to love it and that makes me happy.

I've started writing letters to people in my life; for no reason other than to tell them what they mean to me.

I'm getting my new laptop set up this weekend so that I can start work on a dream I've had since I was little girl.

I'm moving forward. It's a lot of work, but I'm getting my house in order. Doing my best.

A giant sign around the corner from my apartment fall off the wall and crashed on the sidewalk tonight. It could have killed someone who had worse timing. I thought tonight, the way things were going a few weeks ago, I might have been walking on that spot when it fell. And truth be told, a few weeks ago, I might have wished it had fallen on me.

I've been in a really bad place recently.

"Just happy to be here," I always thought that was a hokey saying. Not so hokey when it has real meaning.

10:22 p.m. - 2006-05-10


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