graceland's Diaryland Diary


Wild Weekend

It's Saturday of a long weekend and I couldn't be happier. My cousin is visiting for the first time in almost two years! Iamsoexcited. And she brought her fun BF with her. Word.

It's a surprise party for the Monster tonight and he is going to be so excited. I can't wait for that either. We spoke this morning and he's already excited about the long weekend.

I also got a call this morning from one of my crazzzzzeeee girl friend's from college - she's on her way into town from Boston and she's talking a big game. I'm a little afraid. I'm very afraid. Tonight is going to be nut.

And my roommate is back. Back from vacation and in professional form I haven't seen from her since...maybe never. I came in around 2:30am on Thursday night and found out she came in after me. Last night she was out at a club until 5am. She may be morphing into me. I love it! I love the bad behavior and I love it when everyone else has it.

So that's it. Just Saturday of a 3-day weekend. God help everyone.

Oh! And my parents are coming up tomorrow. Coming to visit for the first time in almost 2 years also.

I really don't know what to do with myself. Right now I need to drink water and hydrate. It's going to be wild weekend.

3:38 p.m. - 2005-02-19


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