graceland's Diaryland Diary


Crisis Planning

I went a little insane today. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I couldn't get a document to format and people came running in from all over our floor. My patience has worn thin. By the end of the day I broke out in spontaneous, hysterical laughter, my eyes tearing and out of breath from laughing so hard at nothing. I packed up my bag and left an hour early as people stared. I was Girl, Interrupted.

Earlier in the day, I sleathily lined up friends with contacts at Sloan Kettering and Johns Hopkins and alerted them to the possibility that I may need them to pull some strings and get me an appt. with the respective colon oncology specialists at each hospital. I didn't tell them who it is for, I just planted the seed that the call may be coming. I also have a friend in research at the Mayo clinic, I may call him as well if need be.

I'm ready for this. I'm ready to do whatever it takes and spend whatever it takes if need be.

I still feel confident that this may be nothing, but I'm a planner. I need to have things in place for my own peace of mind.

As you may guess from this, I may be a closet control freak. It's not that I want to be in control but in many areas of my life I've found that other people simply aren't as competant as I am. That sounds egotistical, but it's my experience.

I'm tired now. I didn't eat until 5PM today and my friend and I ordered a giant meal. I think a nap is in order.

6:32 p.m. - 2004-03-12


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