graceland's Diaryland Diary


Something's gotta stick

Today it felt like the whole city conspired to get me to work. I woke up early and stood outside to hail a taxi. No sooner did my hand reach the air above my head then a horn sounded. I ignored it, horns sound all the time in the city during rush hour. Then another horn sounded. Then a truck 3 cars down the block sounded. I twittered. I wondered if the traffic light right behind me might be broken, but I didn't turn around. Suddenly the 18-wheeler next to me sounded and as I jumped from fright, I heard the driver shout down to me, "Behind you!" as I turned to see a yellow taxi reversing through the intersection to pick me up. I ran over and jumped in, "Hey! Thanks!" I said to the taxi driver.

My job is busy right now. It's insane. I'm really desperate to change jobs, but in the meantime am making the most of it. I'm working on some cool things and in between them, I've sent my resume to some companies in Philthy. I also sent my resume to a company based out of Canada. I thought, what the hell, why not? It's not that far away and I need a change. I'm all over the place.

It's a really weird time for me, because I am about to be promoted and nominated for three big industry awards. I should probably stay put, but I have this itch to get out. I've been there too long. I need something new. I'm one of those people with small attention spans who is easily bored.

The weather is nice and I am still malaised. Not sure what to do about that, but I received a complimentary bottle of champagne from a new club so I may book a booth there next week to celebrate. Also, I'm getting the VIP treatment to check out a new club for a possible work thing, so I'm heading there next Friday.

I'm just trying to keep the ball in motion. I figure if I keep throwing shit, it's gotta stick somewhere, right?

I've been thinking lately about Copenhagen. Maybe the answer lies in Denmark.

PS - Check this out. I took this handwriting test and my results are spot on.

8:15 p.m. - 2004-04-28


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