graceland's Diaryland Diary


Sweating it out

Things seem to be turning around at work, but I'm still having a milder version of my anxiety attacks. Not helpful since a huge part of my job are presentations and speaking engagements.

It's just crazy. The heartbeat is regulated and I don't feel particularly stressed, just some slight nerves before I speak. I've never had a problem with public speaking; in fact, I've always thrived on it. I don't know why this is happening.

This week I presented to a room of clients and I started to pour sweat down my face. Not moist, actual beads of sweat showering down my face and back. I tried to wipe the shower as I repeatedly turned to the screen, but it was futile. A large drop began to roll down my leg. I refused acknowledge it.

Public sweating is seriously embarrasing. Even worse, it's not my pits - it's my face!

I guess I'm mass producing adrenaline when this is happening. When it was over, I was exhausted, I felt like I had run or biked for miles. By the end of the second presentation, I was so physically exhausted, I leaned on a chair and my legs wobbled a bit. I slept that night like I would after an athletic competition or when I used to train for a sport, 15 hours. I overslept for work and I woke up still tired.

I'm heading out of town Thursday night for an extended holiday weekend; a mini-vacation with my family. Can't wait. I definitely need a break.

Go Brazil! Vamos Kaka!

9:50 p.m. - 2006-06-28


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