graceland's Diaryland Diary


Applauding those who save lives

My heart goes out to the people who've lost so much to Katrina this week and to their friends and relatives around the country and the world who remain concerned for their safety and their future. The devasation is heartbreaking. I won't be disingenuous and offer my prayers, because I'm not religious by nature. I am spiritual, however, and I send positive thoughts their way, and my money, by way of the Red Cross.

Beyond those people, I get irritated with those making a bad situation worse by assigning soundbite terminology to this disaster like "our tsunami" or "this must be what hiroshima looked like." I can assure you, while I see and learn more about the tragedy, chaos and loss of this country is experiencing, it is neither equal to the tsunami that killed over a quarter of a million people; nor hiroshima, that decimated a nation for decades, instantly killing more than 140,000 civilians and affecting future generations with terminal cancers for years to come (the final death toll came in around 240,000). I can assure you one thing: this storm is neither another tsunami nor a hiroshima.

Sometimes I find myself at a complete loss for how completely insular Americans are. Many of us have absolutely no grasp of global history or events. When we will we learn? Perhaps when *we* need the help from another nation. Perhaps then. I hope they listen to us in that situation and not turn their backs, as we've done to so many.

But now isn't the time to complain about those who suck. How about a cheer for FEMA, The Red Cross and so many other agencies and nonprofits who've mobilized and are working to save, sustain and rebuild lives?! You all inspire me - thank you for doing all that you are doing. Every one of you is a hero.

It's a reason for me to get moving in the morning, when I remember those people who give their time and help out of compassion and not corporate greed or self motivation.

Thank you.

8:33 p.m. - 2005-08-31


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