graceland's Diaryland Diary


Adam and Eve, or Adam and Steve?

It feels like spring but strangely, that doesn't make me happy. Something is just not right with me. I'


I smile a little each dy as I read about the gay marriages that seem to be happening all across the U.S., much to the chagrin of the conservative right. They picked the wrong issue. They thought they would be safe, picking on this small faction of people and suddenly a civil rights movement erupted right before their election year eyes.

How silly. Do the White House spin doctors not track the ratings of Christopher Lowell, Queer Eye or the Ellen DeGeneres Show? Gay is the new black, people. Just like it went from taboo to cool to have a "black" friend in the 60's, the same is happening for the Gay community and apparently, Bush's PR dept. misidentified the cultural trend.

They thought they were safe, that the steadfast voting Christians throughout the mid-West would be wooed with their stance, they forgot to see what those women watch when their husbands go to work, or what their husbands watch on cable late at night. They forgot that this small community of people are brothers, sisters and children of God-fearing American voters and when it comes down to it, in many cases blood is thicker than the GOP.

The Bush White House can poll all they want, sure they'll get high numbers of voters who say "no" to marriage - because Americans are thinking of marriage in the religious sense and God fearing people won't go against their church. But ask them if they want their gay relatives to have the same legal rights as they do as heterosexual couples and I suspect you will see a majority saying "yes." What the Bush White House made the mistake of doing, is blurring the line between church and state.

You stuck your peanut butter in my chocolate.

But never fear, those of you who love a good plotline. The White House has an ace in their pocket if they need to play it. They still have Cheney's gay daughter who they have temporarily tabled as "private." In the event of this blowing up to even bigger proportions, they have the option of parading her out as the Right Wing Queen. There are several ways to leverage her to save their face and stance. I'm interested to see if they need her.

In the game of chess, many people think that the Queen is the most powerful player. What they forget, is that you can win the game without her.

It should be interesting to see what they can do with their pawns, and of course, the all powerful Bishop.

7:27 p.m. - 2004-03-03


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