graceland's Diaryland Diary


Down with the Suit!

I have a big issue with the concept of a suit. I think the suit is a device to cultivate laziness and malaise leading to desparation and resulting in complete subordination of the self to Corporate America.

It's completely F-ed up.

Ever walk in a crowd of people in suits? Like pointilism, paint specs virtually indistinguishable as a group, it's only when you take the time to get up close and examine do you learn that they are individuals.

And what happens when you fall into a group? You adopt the group mentality. Of one mind. Thinking as one body. Usualy there is a leader. People support the leader or they join another group. Or they start another group. It's all about groups.

I don't want to be in a group. I want to be my own picture, not a spec of paint in someone else's picture.

By putting on a suit, you emasculate the individual which leads to their submission to the enforcers mindset. The uniform to establish uniform.

I want the suit buried! Down with the suit!!

10:29 p.m. - 2003-11-21


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