graceland's Diaryland Diary


The Tide was High and So was Everyone Else

I just had a really amazing phone conversation with someone. It was long and deliberate and the first opportunity I had to tell the story of *the guy* to anyone, including myself. Nearly uninterrupted, with the exception of a few clarifying questions.

Do you know how unusual is it be uninterrupted?

I feel like a new person. He doesn't think I am crazy, well, he thinks I am crazy but not in my assessment of this situation. That's the question that I kept hidden from myself. Was I crazy? Did I imagine those months? What did they mean? And now I know what they meant.

I also am more sure of what they mean to me now. They were a crash course in a relationship. They showed me that I can want one and now I need to learn how to be into one. The first step of that, is being with someone I trust. The next step is trusting them and the third step, is letting them in. I'm learning. I am really close.

There's hope for me yet!


This weekend was not so much about relationships. It may have been about severing them. Not sure.

It was the Annual Night in Venice. NIV is like Christmas in the summer. My friend F. has this giant party on the dock as his parents house and we all get F-ed up and watch the boat parade. While dressed to the nine's.

Over the years, there were memorable NIV's - the famous night I accidentally overdosed on acid and it took me more than 2 hours to bike 6 blocks straight down the road or the night the cop who lived in the community invited me into his house to blow rails or the time CM jumped off the dock into the bay...twice...or the time we decided to jump on one of the sailboats to party and I froze with one leg on the dock ladder and another on the ship as it drifted away from the dock and I slid into a straddle split until one of the guys leapt out and threw this arms around my waist and pulled me into the boat where I landed, rolling around on top of him.

This NIV may have taken the cake.

F. was already fired up because a DJ was hired for the party. F. usually runs the music and he likes the Rolling Stones, Dylan, Neil Young, The Dead, Elvis and the Who. Sometimes some Clapton. Those are your options. A DJ was clearly going to go beyond this preferred repertoire and that, my friends, that doesn't go over with a 6'5" drunken, stoned, gun toting republican hippie. And yes, you did read that description right.

So, as planned, there was a fight with the DJ right around the time the Elvis boat came by and F. couldn't hear Elvis as he lipsyched because Kate Smith's "God Bless America" was blasting for the 55th time from the DJ on the dock.

There's nothing like watching a 6'5" drunken, stoned hippie/Elvis fan in a hawaiian shirt, red OP short shorts, and a cowboy hat, shaking his finger in the face of a 50-year old washed up DJ.

That didn't go over well. The other residents of condo community were slightly horrified, but I think that image faded a bit when I started screaming at the top of my lungs when Celine Dion started playing, "SHUT. THIS. SHIT. OFF. SHUT IT! MY EARS ARE BLEEDING."

And then later F. started with the fireworks. In his hand, shooting them off into the bay. And then the neighboring dock tried to one-up him with better fireworks. Some of our crew starting taunting F., so he went and retreived the motherload of fireworks and shot off a finale to be written about.

I believe shortly after this period, you would have spotted me with the rest of my group, shouting over to the strangers at the next dock, "We're #1! You're number 22222222222222!" and flashing accompanying hand motions to our chant.

Sometime after that, there were some drugs passed around, two newcomers made out, and everyone got into their cups.

Drinking games started, I took off for a breather and some solitude. I hung out on an empty dock and took a break from the action. Everyone was so drunk and I was stoned.

I came back and joined the action a few minutes later, passing the makeouters, whom I later found out went to the end of the dock and in full-sight, the guy f-ed the girl from behind as she leaned over the railing. Apparently, mid-way through, she said outloud, "I wonder if my family can see me?" Charming.

Incidentally, that very same girl showed up at my house at 5AM with F., searching for my brother. Apparently, she had a crush on him. Little did she know he had already watched her getting it from behind earlier in the night from his college buddy. Dumbass.

So, my friend D. busted through the back door from the deck to my room, to get my brother's number.

I almost had a heart attack being woken up. I had been home since 2am, when I had drunkenly ridden my oldest friend home on the handbars of my bicycle. Riiiiight. I'm 30, she's almost 33.

Moving on.

So, there's a bust into my room, I leapt up and hand her my cell and some smokes, she takes off.

I later find out that F. walked the girl over to my brother's apt. where he proceeded to wake up my brother and tell him that that the girl needed a place to sleep and she'd like it to be in his bed.

My brother referred her to the couch.

My friend Toastress at this point was FUBAR and attempted to bike her way to late night, falling in her strapless dress and stillettos, off of her bike 3 times and patiently getting back on and trying to ride again. She did that until around 7am, I am told.

My oldest friend's boyfriend stripped naked and jumped off the dock and into the bay, around 4am, screaming "Happy Night in Venice, mutherf*ckers!"

Isingsol spent some time telling me how drunk she was during the early part of the night, then giving me her full beer, having second thoughts about that, taking it back quickly, chugging more than half of it, giving it back to me and walking away.

F. had several heated discussions with condo owners who were unhappy about the proximity of fireworks to their boats.

And I peed in the bushes. Several times.

So I think that sums up this story. Basically, everyone reverted back to college form for one night, further confirming my theory that if we had all gone to college together, some of us would be dead and the world would surely not be the same.

9:43 p.m. - 2003-07-28


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