graceland's Diaryland Diary


Settling into a new place and a new me

Things are looking up; I have hot water, cable and internet access. I just need a bureau and some furniture and I will be settled.

I'm making a few friends. It's harder than I remembered, or not harder, just more time intensive.

My cousin called me out for considering sucking my new hair stylist into my vortex. I was considering it. And that would involve breaking up his current relationship, which is wrong. That's my pattern. I have a bizarre skill of sucking men into emotional attachments with me that sever their relationships in order for them to abnormally attach to me. Usually platonically because I only let them in so far. One of opportunities of my move and fresh start is to change my bad habits. Of course, what happened as soon as I was here and bored? A potentional repeat of my pattern.

Now that she pointed it out, I'm conscious of this potential situation and will work to nip it in the bud.

No more male friends. I need to focus on being by myself. Or befriend a girl.

12:44 a.m. - 2006-10-11


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