graceland's Diaryland Diary


Show me a real achievement

So we caught Saddam and Bush got a whole bunch of airtime during the crucial lead up to the New Hampshire primary. So maybe we'll see less ads featuring him suited up like Tom Cruise in a Top Gun remake and more of "we got our man" during the election but in my opinion, we caught his Dad's man.

Where's Osama Bin Laden, the true terrorist? We caught one homegrown dictator. Where's the homegrown terrorist who boasted that he killed so many of our civilians on home soil? If he's dead, find his head for me. I want to know that the leader of the terrorist world is dead. Find me some of the cells spread out through Europe, the US and Canada. Find the real threats for me, not a homegrown dictator.

Finding a man we trained, schooled and placed in a leadership position doesn't justify a war in Iraq for me. It doesn't change the fact that the President doesn't acknowledge the soldiers coming home in body bags and that he threw out the Dover policy that has solemnly greeted the arrival of those bodies when they arrive home to America and are presented to their families in pine boxes since Vietnam. One of those soldiers' services was held within a mile of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on a day that the President was working in his office and he didn't even pause to salute that soldier from his desk.

A leader to me is a man who is accountable for the consquenence of his actions, not just a hog for the glory.

I'd like to see a real leader elected into office this time around. Someone actually voted in by popular opinion.

10:35 p.m. - 2003-12-15


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